Big news from the big tournaments

Both of the regions big bass tournaments, the Fort Frances Canadian Bass Championship on Rainy Lake and the Kenora Bass International on Lake of the Woods have made some changes to their respective payout structures that most anglers are going to like.
FFCBC Changes: (July 22 - 24)
- Top Rookie Team: $3000 - This prize will be awarded to the highest-finishing team that has not fished the event in the past three years. (Both anglers) Pretty good deal if you ask me!
- Highest Finishing Female Team - A cash prize will be awarded to the highest finishing female team as long as there are at least three all-female teams entered.
- Highest Finishing Parent/Child Team - A cash prize will be awarded to the highest finishing parent/child team as long as there are at least five eligible teams
- Highest Finishing Mixed Gender Team - A cash prized will be awarded for the highest finishing mixed gender team as long as there are at least three eligible teams.
KBI Changes: (August 5 - 7)
- Prizes for the TOP 5 CATCHES EACH DAY
- Top Team With Combined Age Greater Than 100 Years - $1000
- Top Team With Under 115 HP Motor - $1000
- Increase in cash prizes for top Adult/Youth and Male/Female teams
- Increase in the Top 3 "B-Flight" finishers on Day 3
KBI has a 100% pay-out, which is awesome for the anglers! Not many tournaments can boast this fact.
Both of these World-class tournaments still have openings for this year if you want to sign up. For more information, check the websites for each event.

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