2012 moose hunt

My friends and I just spent the past week in the Red Lake area of Ontario's Sunset Country Region hunting moose. It has become a tradition for us to spend the last week or so of the season up there chasing these big, awesome critters around. We had pretty good luck this year and were fortunate to come home with four moose - two cows and two calves. We did have a couple of bull tags that went unused but that's the way it goes! We had some close encounters every day but that's hunting. All in all, a great trip! Unfortunately I didn't really get any nice photos of the moose. I was not in on any of the shooting so when I arrived to help get a couple of these animals out it was already dark. Here are a few photos from the trip...
Dave Bennett with a beautiful wolf that he got on the first day of hunting while we were doing a drive. There was another jet-black wolf with this one that he couldn't get a shot at.
Here is a cool picture of a large cut area that we were hunting. It was super cold this morning...like a legitimate -30! Beautiful country!
Brian McNanney holds up a large moose shed that he found while we were doing a drive as Matt Rydberg looks on.
An interesting moose rub on a tree...it looks like an oversized deer rub! Except it was like 7 feet high!
Here is photo of the cow that Matt Rydberg shot on the second day. The animals are so big! And so good to eat!
Here is a BIG owl that I saw one day while on a walk. Pretty awesome bird that you don't get to see very often!
One last photo of Dave's beauty wolf!
We stayed up at Five Lakes Lodge in Red Lake for our trip, you can find them online at http://www.fivelakeslodge.com/

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