Fishing with Grandpa

My Grandpa, Wally Stewart passed away earlier this week in Kenora. He had a big influence on my love for the outdoors when I was little kid and I'm so thankful to him for that. He had a great life and lived to be 87 years old!
This was one of the of the last trips that we took a few years ago on Lake of the Woods. He liked to catch anything that bit the end of his line. He loved to eat walleyes...except he always called them "pickerel"!
This photo was taken are old family cabin in Echo Bay on Lake of the Woods. This was where I learned to fish at a very young age and fell in love with it! In the photo, my Grandma Helen Stewart (she passed away in 2003), Grandpa Wally Stewart, my Dad Jim Gustafson (holding me when I was about 2) and my Uncle Jim Brigham. Looks like everyone had a pretty good day there!
Grandpa with a lake trout from Williams Lake, north of Kenora. This was one of our favourite places to fish growing up and we made trips in there every spring.
I wrote my newspaper column "The Livewell" about Grandpa this week. You can check it out here:
If you have the opportunity to take your kids or grandkids fishing or involve them in any sort of outdoor activity, don't let the opportunity go is short!
Reader Comments (1)
Hi Gussy,
Sorry to hear about your grampa. I'm sure he was VERY proud of you and your accomplishments in the sport. I've been reading your posts as you travel to Florida. Have fun & good luck!
Mike Gottheardt